Get Serious
Tell the app how often you want to practice and it will remind you if it notices you slacking off.
Dry Practice Pro is a drill timer for firearm dry fire practice. Dry fire practice is foundational to becoming smooth and fast operating any firearm. Dry Practice Pro automates your daily practice routine and even reminds you to practice.
Tell the app how often you want to practice and it will remind you if it notices you slacking off.
Use "Playlists" to completely automate your daily routine so you don't have to fuss with your phone during your workout.
Share your drills with the community. Download drills contributed by others.
We include the collection of FrontSight handgun drills just to get you started. Download other collections, or create your own. Or download a collection and tweak it to match your needs.
Sophisticated drill editor allows you to tweak drills in almost any way imaginable.
Add drills to a playlist to have them run one after the other. Automate your daily routine.
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Build muscle memory now so you won't have to think about it in the moment.